
Nishma Research conducts broad communal studies in the Orthodox Jewish world. All are available free and many are discussed on The Orthonomics Podcast. Click the "Social Research" link above to access these reports and related materials.

•  JUST RELEASED! A Survey of Orthodox Jewish Political Views: Haredi and Modern Orthodox Sectors – How we intend to vote .... and why.

•  JUST RELEASED! The Nishma Research Middot “Report Card” – How we see our community and how we see ourselves across 19 middot “Bein Adam L’chavero.”

•  The Nishma Research Pesach Study – The first broad study of this holiday, exploring preparation, logistics, food issues, meaningfulness, what people love most and what are the "pain points," and much more!

•  Israel, Zionism, Politics, and the Impact of the War With Hamas – An exploration of Modern Orthodox and Haredi views relating to Israel and Zionism.

•  Orthodox Jewish Political Attitudes and Behaviors – An exploration of the political views and related beliefs of American Orthodox Jewry, including the Modern Orthodox and Haredi sectors.

•  Starting a Conversation: A Pioneering Survey of Those Who Have Left the Orthodox Community – Why people leave Orthodoxy, the nature of their journeys, practices, beliefs, identity, community and relationships – across Chasidic, Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox segments.

•  The Nishma Research Profile of American Modern Orthodox Jews – Religious beliefs and practices, Orthodox observance as a part of life, shul life, Jewish study, women’s roles, children’s education, sexuality, Israel connection and advocacy, overall successes, opportunities and challenges.

•  The Successes, Challenges, and Future of American Modern Orthodoxy – Exploration of internal and external challenges unique to Modern Orthodoxy, including issues of dissension and the impact, both positive and negative, of Modern Orthodoxy's interactions with secular society.

•  The Journeys and Experiences of Baalei Teshuvah – Reasons why people become observant, challenges and joys, the nature of their continuing journey, how they are different or similar to the "frum from birth" and what baalei teshuvah want the rest of their community to know about them.

•  Political Views of the Orthodox Community – Two communal studies that explore political differences across American Jewry and across Orthodoxy; and analyze similarities and differences in voters' priorities.

•  Three COVID-Related Studies – Health, emotional, financial & religious impacts, including attitudes relating to vaccines.

•  The Finances of Orthodoxy – The cost of a frum life, financial as well as attitudinal, among Modern Orthodox and Haredi Jews.

•  Orthodox Jewish Singles and Community, Connection, Understanding – Overall communal connections, with a focus on the lives of Orthodox Jewish single individuals; dating, goals, attitudes.

•  Perceptions and Experiences of Antisemitism Among American Orthodox Jews – An exploration of views on antisemitism across Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish and Chasidic sectors, including the most insulated, Yiddish-speaking group.

•  The Nishma Research 2023 Jewish Community Profile – Beliefs, Practices, Attitudes and Priorities Across the Jewish Community With a Focus on U.S. Modern Orthodox and Haredi (Chasidish and Yeshivish) Sectors.

In addition, Nishma Research offers:

•  Shul Survey – An easy, professional and inexpensive way for shuls to survey all of their members across a wide range of issues. Click the "Shul Survey" link above for information.

•  Organizational Research – Qualitative and quantitative research for Jewish organizations. Click the "Contact Us" link above for a free consultation, to help you do long-range planning, grow and retain membership, improve satisfaction, etc.